Tra terra e cielo
Gnomon, 01-11-2018, Ann Brysbaert
Monumentality and monumental architectural phenomena have forever fascinated the general public and scholars in archaeology, art history, urban studies and anthropology alike. Monumentality is difficult to describe in universal terms due to its very tight correlation to the cultural sphere in which a specific monumental feature belongs. What may be considered monumental by some may be considered no more than normal by others. Monumental features, specifically monumental architecture, do seem to have some universal characteristics in common, often defined as: ‘ great in importance, extent, or size’. The word ‘monument’ is defined as: (1) A s
tatue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event; (2) A structure or site of historical importance or interest; (3) An enduring and memorable example or reminder... The word itself comes from the Latin word, monumentum, from monere: to remind. A few decades ago, Trigger defined monumental architecture as: «when its scale and elaboration exceeds the requirements of any practical functions that a building is intended to perform». More recently, monumental architecture was described as: «... [an] ongoing, constantly renegotiated relationship between thing and person, between the monument(s) and the person(s) expe
riencing the monu- ment». These and many other discussions of the monumental and specifically monumental architecture, form an important theme of the book under review and bring together several concepts that play a larger or smaller role in the content of this 2016 publication by B. Santillo Frizell. The main title of the book: ‘Tra Terra e Cielo’, may confuse buyers because two other books with the same title exist, including another archaeological publication with a related content. The book reviewed here is composed of an introduction, three large main chapters, and a brief epilogue. A bibliography and an illustration list finishes it off.