Boccaccio geografo
Medium Aevum, 01-12-2012, K. P. Clarke
This very interesting volume brings together a set of various reflections on aspects of Boccaccio’s geographical interests. These interests are visible in many of his works, from the exotic locations represented in the Decameron to the Latin treatise known as De montibus, silvis, fontibus, l
acubus, fluminibus, stagnis, seu plaudibus, de nominibus maris. The articles talk about medieval cartography and what kinds of maps and portolan charts were available to Boccaccio as he navigated both the real and imaginary geographies of Florence, Tuscany, the peninsula, and far beyond. Some of t
he articles, such as those of Cazale Berard and Smarr, have been published before but nonetheless fit well within the remit of the collection. A very good introduction, by Morosini, opens the volume, while readers will also enjoy the thirty colour reproductions illustrating the articles.